Another new opportunity
If you'd have told me even a few weeks ago that I'd be sitting in a field photographing Alpacas I'd have said you were nuts! But last...

Spent a rather fun few minutes the other morning having a go at photographing some of the local Rooks as they were flying to and fro...

Leaping into Spring
At Tottingworth farm near Heathfield this years lambs are now running around the fields, I had the chance to photograph some on one of...

can't beat an early morning
And a good sunrise! One of my favourite things to shoot are nice sunrises.....something like these.... I'm sure this'll be the start of...

If you like a misty morning...
.....then you're not alone! Looking out over the Rother valley in Sussex a few days ago the mist lay heavy on the ground, creating some...

Plants and flowers
A nice selection of plants and flowers from work the other day...when it was drier and less windy than it has been recently! Of course...

bright and Beautiful
After my last post about Beautiful Demoiselles, I had a message from Watermill wolves lupines saying that they had a population that...

Freds or Berties
Depending on which your camp you're in, these are either fondly known as Freds or Berties; either way they are actually known as Basset...

Springtime in Wolf wood
Had another great opportunity to photograph the wolfalike dogs of Watermill wolves lupines the other day, Again we targeted this time of...

Whatever it was about the weather this year it has led to some spectacular Daffodil displays, so it would have been wrong not to get some...