Springtime in Wolf wood
Had another great opportunity to photograph the wolfalike dogs of Watermill wolves lupines the other day, Again we targeted this time of year as the carpet of spring flowers adds a slightly different feel to the photographs.

For the woodland shoot we had Winston; the large dark male, Summer: a lovely gentle female and Tarla: a real poser, a stunning dog and the one that featured in my shoot last year with Dani Divine.
As usual every time I try to photograph the dogs on location the one thing we didn't see was sunshine, so it's a good job I'm getting a lot of experience at photographing them on cloudy days!
One advantage about woodland shooting on cloudy days is that you get a nice even light, no really dark shadowy places, although that could be me just looking for some positives as I struggle against the gloom AGAIN!!!!!
The good thing about having shot these particular dogs before is that I can now try to capture specific looks and poses rather than rush about try to get everything....
So some nice portraits with vegetation was one of my main aims.....

The other main pose I wanted was stalking style.

Then I had to get one more Winston portrait....

And to finish with, not flowers, but Summer decided to jump into the stream....