Location shoot with Huskies
I recently had a fantastic shoot on location whit CHAOS alt model and 'T', the variety of the shoot was enhanced by the fact that I was...

Nature walk at Herstmonceux Castle
I recently had the pleasure of leading a nature and conservation walk around the grounds of Herstmonceux castle in Sussex, whilst this...

Goth bluebell shoot
As it's spring here in the UK and the woods are flush with green, the bluebells are a bright as they've ever been and the weather is...

If you like a misty morning...
.....then you're not alone! Looking out over the Rother valley in Sussex a few days ago the mist lay heavy on the ground, creating some...

Little Wolfies
Had a chance to go and photograph the newest members of the Watermill wolves lupines pack the other day. Summer the oldest female had...

bright and Beautiful
After my last post about Beautiful Demoiselles, I had a message from Watermill wolves lupines saying that they had a population that...

Freds or Berties
Depending on which your camp you're in, these are either fondly known as Freds or Berties; either way they are actually known as Basset...

Springtime in Wolf wood
Had another great opportunity to photograph the wolfalike dogs of Watermill wolves lupines the other day, Again we targeted this time of...

Back to Wolf wood
I had another great opportunity to visit Watermill Wolves lupines this morning and photograph their wolf lookalikes in the local woods,...

Sometimes when shooting a model may mention every once in a while that she has an item of clothing or an accessory that she really wants...