Another new opportunity
If you'd have told me even a few weeks ago that I'd be sitting in a field photographing Alpacas I'd have said you were nuts! But last Sunday that's exactly what I did.
The fantastic people at Lightfoot Alpacas very generously allowed me the chance to photograph some of their animals (I couldn't get them all, they have over 300 on two different sites).
Many of the animals I was with were mums and babies, and who can argue with that sort of opportunity??

The variety of colours amongst the herd was interesting.

Of course it was a hot day and sometimes you just need to relax....

Although one baby wanted to pose.

And to finish mum and baby enjoying dinner together...

It was a fantastic day, I would like to say a massive thank you to Lightfoot Alpacas and also let you know that they have a charity open day in early September, I can say it's well worth heading along in you're in the area, for more information please check out .