The Red Robe
As it's one of her favourite outfits, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to shoot Shelly d'Inferno in this stunning red and black robe,...

Lights and Magic
Another set with the stunning Shelly d'Inferno, featuring a black corset and boots! The corset just let itself to a dramatic set.....so...

OK so who let Shelly loose with a sword!
One of my favourite sets of recent times has been with the use of the sword, it's always interesting to see how different models have...

Proof of concept
During my recent shoot with Shelly d'Inferno there was one style I've been wanting to try for a long time and fortunately we found time...

Shelly d'Inferno ~ the first set.
You've seen the composite arty shots, now see the shots we were aiming for from the start. The fantastic Shelly d'Inferno in a black body...

Eves Eyes
Had an idea I've been wanting to try for a fair while now, a damsel in distress composite shot (which became a set). It was a damsel...

The one that caused all the trouble
And this time I'm not talking about Dani. This was going to be a nice simple location lingerie shoot....and to be fair, we were on...

For the second Bikini set on the beach with Dani Divine we used a lovely black set with a web design on it. For this set we aimed for...

Dani in chains # the ultimate version
I will let you int a little secret, when I first started out on the road to model photography I had an overall objective, and that was to...

Dani Divine ~ the black set....
Dani Divine, black latex lingerie, boots....is there a better combination????? Started with some squatted poses as we hadn't done many of...