Dani in chains # the ultimate version
I will let you int a little secret, when I first started out on the road to model photography I had an overall objective, and that was to shoot a certain model in a certain style, over the years I have honed my ideas during various shoots, it's been really interesting to see how other models have taken to the ideas and what they've done with it, allowing me to find new inspiration and also work on my skills to lead me to this shoot, so here it is, the model I wanted to shoot, in the style I wanted to shoot her, Dani Divine....in chains (with candles and smoke)...at last!

We did a lot of shots from above, with this set up I found that it created the best look.

But we did get the odd floor level shot too

But I also experimented with different looks in post, this one really worked how I wanted it to, so to finish with a nice atmospheric styled shot.

We're now working on a whole new set of ideas, hopefully Dani as you've never seen her before, so stay tuned for the new shoots coming soon!!!!