Eves Eyes
Had an idea I've been wanting to try for a fair while now, a damsel in distress composite shot (which became a set). It was a damsel (obviously) in sheer material and distress (obviously!!). I then wanted to give the whole shot a feeling of vulnerability by having her dwarfed by a large foreboding presence, which I wanted to illustrate by using two scary eyes looking down on her.
The shoot started to come together in July when I got this shot.

Now this is Eve, a lovely and soft natured wolf-like or lupine dog (so neither scary nor foreboding), this shot was taken in the evening so when I focused in on the eyes they went from being the bright yellow that they are to having the strong orange glow of the setting sun!
I then removed the rest of the image and just kept the eyes!

Now I had the eyes, I just needed a model to become the damsel in distress, and the issue was that all the shoots I had booked already had themes so it wasn't possible to add an extra set.
Fortunately for my last major shoot of this year I was able to have the opportunity to shoot the amazing Shelly d'Inferno, who bought a nice selection of wigs, one long blond one was perfect for the shots I wanted, and as we got through our other sets in good time we had a spare 20 minutes to get the shots I wanted for these...and I'm really happy we did, it's not often that what you picture in your head actually comes to fruition quite as well as this.....I hope you like them (yes them, once I created the shot I wanted, I then had another couple of ideas so as it's coming up to Halloween I thought I'd go for it)....enjoy....

We had the most amazing shoot and you will see some of the results over the next few weeks.