Is it nice in the sea?....Ask the Basset
As it's been so very hot here some of the local dogs are starting to find the enjoyment in having a quick dip in the sea, this Basset...

Hounds abound
Or hound a bounding!. In Alexandra Park, Hastings before 8am it is possible to run your dogs without leads, this gives a great...

Husky puppy
The title says it all...Honovi the Husky puppy at Nativespirit Siberian Huskies I did manage to get him sitting down for a brief while...

You've all heard of The Scream...well here's The Yawn!
Back with Nativespirit Siberian Huskies, one of the 4 week old puppies going for cuteness overload....

A little Husky
Earlier this week one of the Huskies from Native spirit had a litter, I had the opportunity to photograph them whilst they were only a...

Running with Huskies
On a slightly sunnier and drier day than today I had the chance to go and photograph the Native spirit Siberian Huskies pack running...

The futures bright...the futures wolfie!
Over the past few weeks I have had the pleasure and privilege of photographing a couple of dog shows featuring several 'lupine' or...

After a little while
It's been a bit a while since I updated the site, I've been busy creating other profiles on several networks, these are now up and...

Freds or Berties
Depending on which your camp you're in, these are either fondly known as Freds or Berties; either way they are actually known as Basset...

Springtime in Wolf wood
Had another great opportunity to photograph the wolfalike dogs of Watermill wolves lupines the other day, Again we targeted this time of...