A recent swimwear shoot

the second Latex outfit
During my recent shoot with Natasha the second latex outfit she wore was a grey mini-dress. Of course latex is a fantastic material for...

A bit of Latex for you
My recent shoot with Natasha involved some latex work, she has a nice selection of outfits, we shot two, this is the first, a lovely...

Iron Maiden mini dress
It looks as if I'm starting to build up a collection of shots of models in rock group mini-dresses; I've already had a shoot with a...

Maddie in Motorhead minidress
As part of our shoot the other day, as we experimented with different styles one of my new favourite styles is the 'rock-chic' style....

Review of some of my recent Portrait work
I thought that as I have been fortuante enough to have had a several really nice shoots over the last few months I would but a themed...