Back to basics
It's all to easy to get caught up in photography, checking all the kit, lugging vast amounts of stuff around, never going anywhere...

Down t' gym
Whilst down the local gym (Stackz) in Bexhill the other day I got the chance to shoot some of their equipment, and as I like doing the...

Home shoot with Roxi
Had a fantastic photo-shoot at Roxis the other day. We were able to cover a variety of styles and some of the shots are actually suitable...

Beach shoot 31.10.15
Now as late October is almost always fairly cold and grey a beach shoot would appear to be out of the question.....but no, we just didn't...

Review of some of my recent Portrait work
I thought that as I have been fortuante enough to have had a several really nice shoots over the last few months I would but a themed...

Halloween shoot
During the recent shoot with Hannah C we did a little fun halloween bloody shoot. It involved some fake blood and an axe. Trying to get...

Within my recent shoot with the lovely Alix T we made sure we tried various styles of portraits. Now as you know I do like a nice...

Charlotte in her Harley Davidson clothing
Had a lovely little studio shoot yesterday with Charlotte B, she brought a Harley jacket and a long top, which she used as a micro...

After the wire crawl I headed up to the rope climb, this is one of those obstacles that either people can do and they are confident, or...

I got 4 shots from my wish list!
When looking for inspiration by stealing (sorry checking out!) other peoples ideas I have have over the years built up a bucket list...