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After the wire crawl I headed up to the rope climb, this is one of those obstacles that either people can do and they are confident, or it fills them with dread!!!!!!!

I really can't!


I was able to position myself around the obstacle so I could get some people against the sky, and others with the trees as a back drop, again this was an attempt to try to add some variety to the images.

against the sky!



Next I set my self the challenge of trying to capture some of the emotion that the competitors felt whilst doing this obstacle, other than fear, there appeared to be only two, these were pain and elation!

no more please!!!!!!

YES made it!

Now you know that I can't resist at bit of atmosperic arty stuff in my photography, even at an event such as this it's possible to get the odd shot that simply just works.......

B&W and looking good!

and then there's the lime-light stealer.......

lime light thief pt 2.

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