Back to basics
It's all to easy to get caught up in photography, checking all the kit, lugging vast amounts of stuff around, never going anywhere without at least 3 lenses, so every once in a while I like to have a little photography detox, just get the old kit lens out and go for a wander around the town seeing what I can do and never trying to think....I've got the wrong lens on!
Fortunately Bexhill is a coastal town so there's always the great stand-by of the beach and sea when looking for a bit of photographic inspiration!

As there was a strong onshore breeze every once in a while there was the oppurtunity to get some nice dramatic shots....

Then I tried a bit of long exposure just to see what it looked like.

A walk along the prominade allowed me the oppurtunity to photograph some of the shelters and other furniture.

Even the rigging at the sailing club got shot...

After that it was time to explore a little, so I ended up looking at a rather interesting wall and then one of my favourites, a nice skelital Birch tree.