Spring time western style fashion shoot.
As the weather was for once playing ball went to some local woods with a local model Scarlett for some spring fashion amongst the leaves and flowers.
As we were going for the warmer weather look it was a day for short shorts and low tops. We also revisited the western style shoot I had done previously with another model Alix, as I do enjoy this style of outfit and think it works really well in the area we were using.

As there were a good selection of wild flowers and flowering shrubs around we tried to make sure that we used some of them in the background.

When on location sometimes making use of the scenery is something that is often forgotten as you focus too much on the subject, of course coming from a background of landscape photography the reverse is often true of me and I always try to squeeze in a few good landscape shots.

The other great thing about location shooting is that there are always props in the shape of trees and things to make use of, and seeing something and picturing the shot and having it work out is always one of the more rewarding parts of this style of shoot.