Walking with Wolves
Well actually wolf lookalike dogs, but let's not be picky they sure look like wolves to me.
I had the chance to spend an hour this morning at Watermill wolves near Bexhill, they have a pack of wolf lookalikes that have appeared in many commercials, articles and films and TV shows, so it was a real privalige to get the oppurtunity.
Although they have 5 resident dogs at the home base we went out with 3, one being a young dark male whilst the other 2 were paler females.
We let them burn off some energy in a small paddock before letting them have a run in the woods.

In the woods the two girls were allowed to run free, and we got the oppurtunity to make use of a small stream that runs along the woodland edge.

We also took some nice portraits, this was easier after they had burned off some of their excited energy......

Then it was back to the field where they were all allowed to play together.....and wolf play (or even wolf lookalike play) appears rough, even though it really is only just play.

Obviously wolves will look like wolves

and who said never work with animals......I think if they ever tried to get a portrait like this they would be right!