Spring time western style fashion shoot.
As the weather was for once playing ball went to some local woods with a local model Scarlett for some spring fashion amongst the leaves...

Ripping it up.....
Rebecca Crow brought along a black T-shirt to our recent shoot, by way of a change of style for me and also because it reflected her...

Sorry Anna but we need to edit your hat!
Some say that Anna Quinn has a bit of an attitude .....from her outfit for this set I can't see what the problem is........... And of...

Anna Quinn proving that Hoodies can be sexy.
As I was having a shoot with Anna the lovely people at Stackz gym let me borrow a couple of their new range of hoodies for a set I wanted...

Home shoot with Roxi
Had a fantastic photo-shoot at Roxis the other day. We were able to cover a variety of styles and some of the shots are actually suitable...

On the rocks
During my beach shoot with Scarlett Swift we made use of some of the rocks that have been placed on the beach as sea defenses, this...

Beach shoot 31.10.15
Now as late October is almost always fairly cold and grey a beach shoot would appear to be out of the question.....but no, we just didn't...

Review of some of my recent Portrait work
I thought that as I have been fortuante enough to have had a several really nice shoots over the last few months I would but a themed...

Lovely eyes and Long T
When someone said dot your Is and cross your Ts I miss heard that and ended up with this. Fortunately the lovely Hannah C was available...

Within my recent shoot with the lovely Alix T we made sure we tried various styles of portraits. Now as you know I do like a nice...