For a little while now I have been meaning to get back into wildlife photography (as this is where I started many moons ago). The chance to purchase a new lens has helped that become a reality, a nice Sigma 150-600mm really has increased my range, so not only wildlife but hopefully some sporting events too, at the moment though it's going to take a bit of getting used to, so decided to take a walk down to the beach at Bexhill and along to Galley hill, where I found a dozen Turnstone roosting on the beach and one posing nicely on Galley hill and feeding on the lawns, so a great little way to get some practice.

The one on Galley hill allowed pretty close approach as it was much more interested in finding food, so the results were very pleasing.

I'm sure I'll be visiting these lovely little birds again soon as some are starting to moult back into their stunning breeding plumage, so hopefully I can catch a few good shots before they head back to the Arctic.