Portrait/Fashion...at last!
One of the first models I ever got the chance to photograph was Kat, we shot a lovely little location set a about 4 years ago now. Since then we have been meaning to get together again for another shoot.
As in the intervening period I have been slowly building up my lighting set up and she wanted to have a go at a studio style shoot we eventually managed to find time in our diaries where we were both free and we got a shoot in.
For this shoot I wanted to get the clean cut look, so it was strong lighting and the black backdrop.
Kat wore a white off the shoulder top, jeans and some long lace boots, that worked really well.

We made use of not only standing poses, but the white bar stool and the foot rest for various shots.

Kat has fantastic features and really works well in portrait (and you know me, I can't resist a good portrait session!)...

And to finish I shot a highly exposed shot in the high key style (only with a black back ground).