Wood Rail
Recently visited Bentley Wildfowl and Motor Museum in Sussex. It was a grey day and the area is quite wooded so lighting wasn't great for photography, but I had to give it a go.
Whilst Bentley is renowned for it's wildfowl collection, one of their most charismatic species is the Giant Wood Rail. As far as I can tell they have a pair that they are hoping to breed from in an enclosure, then two other birds (presumably both males) free roaming around the site.
These birds are so intent on proving which one is dominant that they completely ignore the visitors on quieter days, which means they have a habit of running right past you....giving the opportunity of getting some absolutely lovely shots, whilst letting them get on with their antics, once you know what sort of route they're taking around the site that day, all you need to do is get in front of them and wait quietly and they come to you!