In the spotlight
The great benefit of being on several photo-sharing sites is that not only do you get the chance to see what other people are doing, but also to take inspiration from their work and best of all to establish acquaintances and make friendships; meaning that there's always a few people around you can ask advice from.
One such situation arose, a Dutch photographer Studio Tjeerd whom we follow each other on several sites took some amazing low key portraits and I thought that's a slightly different style to how I do mine, so I asked their advice (which was willingly given) and decided that during my next shoot I'd give it a go (obviously with my own twist, as I see little point in just replicating what other people are doing).
The next thing was to find a model with whom to shoot, fortunately I had already planned to shoot Hannah and as we always like to try a few different things during our shoots that worked out beautifully.
It was also great to try something new again with her as she has now taken the lead as my most shot model (victim!).

It was great that as usual she brought enough outfits for 4 or 5 shoots, and her black dress just worked so well for this style...

It was as usual an absolutely amazing shoot and hopefully we're going to get another one in before the end of the year, really looking forward to it....