What do you get if......
....you put a beautiful girl in front of a beautiful sunset?
Answer...beautiful pictures.....
I am ,as you know I'm sure, used to working at a rather relaxed pace, so I always make sure that I don't try to set myself too many time constraints when I'm planning a shoot.
However, sometimes time constraints just happen naturally, and in the case of shooting against a spectacular sunset, you only get 20-30 minutes maximum to get all the shots you want.....

So it was a bit of a last minute plan to shoot, but fortunately I know some really nice people and Alexa-Jay was willing to come along and shoot at very short notice.
We did some shots looking East, so away from the sunset, but where some rather spectacular clouds were picking up the sky colour superbly....

And then we did the majority looking West towards the sunset and also incorporating a bit of Beachy head in the background too.....

Then we did a few dramatic poses, my favourite of these was a low level shot of her leaning over the sea defences....

Now some people might be saying..."well didn't you get any portraits during this shoot?".....well as a matter of fact....I did....