Primates that aren't lemurs at Howletts
As I've already done a post about the walking with lemurs exhibit I thought I'd better concentrate on some of the many other primates that they house at Howletts zoo in Kent.
They have been hugely successful over the years with their Moloch Gibbons.....

There was a delightful and mischievous Francois Langur that wanted to antagonise every other member of the family....

The Aspinal Foundation is rightly famous for their incredible success in the breeding of Lowland Gorillas so I had to feature at least one......

Just past them are a little group of White-naped Mangabey , which are in fact a primate I've not seen before so I was pleased when one decided to come right up to the edge of the enclosure to investigate me.

Another species that they have been particular successful with over the years are Javan Langur, rather uniquely this species can be either black or as in this case ginger....

The last primate to feature is the very impressive Lion-tailed Macaque, the dominant male decided at one point to walk the enclosure and show everyone just who is boss.....