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Pet world

Because the rather depressing overcast and rainy weather put pay to any outdoor photography today, I decided to have a go at some of the animals in the pet world area of Drusillas park, this is an area I often ignore, mainly because the lighting in there is so bad that I have to whack the ISO up to 800 or more even with the small f1.8 lens, but beggers can't be choosers........

The first area I visited was the small avary birds -

Zebra finch

Javan Sparrow

Then I spent some time in the heated section, this area houses some of the invertebrates that you have seen before, plus some lizards and fish...

Plated Lizard

Golden Barb

Bueno aries tetra

Then I finished with my favourite animals in the area, the Degu, I used to have some of these as pets myself and I think they're lovely little creatures......


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