The ultimate short notice shoot!
Saturday started with me unfortunately getting a cancellation for the afternoon, so I had a chase round to see who was available, at such short notice I wasn't exactly hopeful, and not to my surprise no-one was around. Then Hannah C messaged me saying her plans had changed and she was now available if we could shoot in an hour, so we headed over to Alexandra Park in Hastings, which is a location I've wanted to shoot at for ages but haven't had the oppurtuntiy before.

We had a a really relaxed shoot, it was an 'off the cuff' shoot, literally just wandering around looking for locations and finding inspiration.

Even though she wasn't exactly dressed 'country style' we did make use of the flower beds and trees, these actually ended up giving a really nice contrast to the outfit.

It was also a great oppurtunity to get some lovely portrait shots as the sun was so bright it produced a really strongly lit scene, and the way this summer has gone any chance to make use of the sun has to be taken!