A pre photoday walk around the zoo
Before running the photographic day at Drusillas park I had a quick walk around the zoo to see what was going on.
Even before getting out of the car park I noticed that the family of Swallows that were nesting in one of the out buildings had successfully fledged 3 youngsters.

On the walk round there was much activity, especially in the Black Macaque enclosure where the baby is busy exploring, fighting with older brother and generally flitting from being in trouble to being on the verge of getting into trouble.

In the same part of the zoo it was nice to have the Emperor Tamarins posing for me, although often hidden slightly behind ropes or branches, I did manage to get a nice shot.

So after that it was then off to run the photography day, which meant that I was the only person without a camera! However the participants had a great time and combined took well over 3000 photos, which I'm glad I don't have to sort through!!!!!