Sorry Anna but we need to edit your hat!
Some say that Anna Quinn has a bit of an attitude .....from her outfit for this set I can't see what the problem is........... And of...

Anna Quinn proving that Hoodies can be sexy.
As I was having a shoot with Anna the lovely people at Stackz gym let me borrow a couple of their new range of hoodies for a set I wanted...

A misty dawn over the Rother valley
As for once this winter it wasn't raining I remembered to take my camera to work. I was rewarded with a nice sunrise..... Then looking...

Cosplay shoot
Had a great shoot the other day with Charlie T. One of the sets we did was a Harley Quinn cosplay set. Now being a dyed in the wool...

Over the years I have had people telling me that I can have a go at photographing their horses, but these have always come to nothing,...

Down t' gym
Whilst down the local gym (Stackz) in Bexhill the other day I got the chance to shoot some of their equipment, and as I like doing the...

Home shoot with Roxi
Had a fantastic photo-shoot at Roxis the other day. We were able to cover a variety of styles and some of the shots are actually suitable...

Review of some of my recent Portrait work
I thought that as I have been fortuante enough to have had a several really nice shoots over the last few months I would but a themed...

Halloween shoot
During the recent shoot with Hannah C we did a little fun halloween bloody shoot. It involved some fake blood and an axe. Trying to get...

Within my recent shoot with the lovely Alix T we made sure we tried various styles of portraits. Now as you know I do like a nice...